Whilom I was browsynge thurgh myn RSS redere, ich happed upon an newe blogge – hyt nys nat altogidir newe, but newely entred into myn orbit – ywriten by noon othere than that noble auctour Geoffrey Chaucer. (Ich am nat makynge thys up, I sweare.)
Ywis, yt is soomdel funnye and goode matere for those longe after-noones whan myn emayl cloggeth uppe myn inboxe in swich grete numbers that ich wolde fynd some queynte distraccioun.
Ensample, thysse ‘Fab-Lib: The Gentil Compaignye of Three’:
Many monethes agoon, Ich had been toolinge aweye at the Haberdassheres Tale, the which was nat really verye excitinge. So for to maken the retourne to thys project a sweete oon, Ich have put the Haberdassheres Tale yn the drawere, and have goon straight to the fabliaux. Ywis, yt is prettye awesome that but fewe have maad thes litel Frensshe tales of naughtinesse ynto the Englisshe tonge.
Thonkes be to hende Nic Sebastianis, auctour of the prettye coole blogge Mikel Lyk a Wayle for brynging thysse awesomenesse to myn attencioun.
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